hooyoosay – Fun Music For Fun Times


Music is most powerful when there are no real goals or egos attached to it.  When people can get together with just the sole purpose of making music just for fun, a kind of magic is born.  This creates a freedom in not having to conform to any style or genre guidelines and instead lets the music just flow.  We recently discovered hooyoosay, a group that seems to be a perfect example of this.

The project began years ago when a couple of guys got together to record some cover songs just for the fun of it.  They were pleased enough with the result that they put the songs on iTunes.  This new sound didn’t quite fit with what each of the musicians was doing personally so the decision was made to take no personal credit for it and put the music out there under the title hooyoosay.  There were no plans to work out set lists and perform live gigs.  Just music for fun on their own time.  The formula became “no credits, no gigs” and it stuck.  

Since then many more people have contributed to the project creating an ongoing concept to make more music, but the initial formula has been severely respected till today.

hooyoosay Makes Music With No Ego

The latest release by hooyoosay is “Palm Tree In My Garden”.  It is a fun and happy song that seems to create a smile as soon as it enters your ears.  There is no specific genre here but instead the band brings in a blend of pop, alternative rock, funk, and blues with a vintage analog 70’s sound.  The lyrics deal with seemingly having it all as far as money and fame are concerned but lacking when it comes to having any real friends or relationships.  The peppy melody bounces along pushed forward by fun vocal harmonies welcoming everyone to sing along.  Music should make you feel good and hooyoosay has done just that with “Palm Tree In My Garden”.

The track will be released tomorrow but you can get a listen here now.


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