Every band should always on the lookout for opportunities to help expose their music to more people.  The life blood of any band has to be a constantly growing fanbase.  Once you stop working on promotion you are dead in the water.  We came across an interesting website today that may be able to help get you some additional publicity.  Come check out MusicTalkers.com.

Music talkers

The website is the idea of super music enthusiast Andrew Braithwaite.  He consumes music news and decided to share it with the world.  MusicTalkers.com is a constant stream of the latest music news and trends mixed together with music from up and coming independent artists.  It has created one central hub for people searching for music news and new music at the same time.

The website makes it easy for musicians to create a free profile and to upload their music and videos as well as integrating the latest music related social media sites such as Soundcloud and Youtube.  It only takes a few minutes to set up and now your music is right there to be seen and heard by the website’s large reader base.  We all know that you have to get your music in front of as many people as possible so why wouldn’t you use every opportunity available to you.

Go set up your profile today at www.Musictalkers.com now!

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