The pop music genre will always be the hardest for an independent musician to break into. Mainstream radio has always been controlled by the big music corporations with deep pockets. If you think that payola for radio play does not still exist you are fooling yourself. To be a pop artist nowadays you must have something that sets you apart from the rest and creates a buzz. One artist starting to buzz on the West Coast of America is Al-x.
The rising pop princess takes elements out of many different styles to create something unique for herself. Al-x uses influences of pop, singer-songwriter, and electronica dance to conjure up her own sound. She is currently based in Los Angeles which will always be overcrowded with artist working hard to make it in the crazy music business. The key then is to create something that has twists that the listener is not expecting. Al-x has been prolific in her songwriting and has been performing these songs at shows at the prime L.A. venues such as Knitting Factory, Whisky a Go Go, and The Key Club. Her message is to live the life that you have imagined, and she is doing just that.
The latest release by Al-x is the 7 track EP Lets Start Tonight. The opener is the title track ‘Let’s Start Tonight’. It is a dance pop tune with an energetic beat powered forward by vocals that span the higher range well. Her sound takes a more electro turn on ‘On The Dark Side’. The eerie blips and bloops mesh well with Al-x’s dreamy and dark lyrics here. The song that popped out most to me was the bouncy ‘Supernatural’. The head bopping beat puts a smile on your face while the singing style brings you back down to Earth. There is something throughout the record that ties together the darker tones and the pep of electronica to make something original. Check it out for yourself at:
One reply on “Al-x – Setting Herself Apart In The Electro Pop Scene”
Sounds cool 🙂