
Brian Edblad Shares Flypaper For Freaks

Brian Edblad and his new record “Flypaper for Freaks” is a stylistic tour de force. Effortlessly tying together elements of funk, jazz, and synth pop, the colorful arrangements work wonders. The flourishes of sound include inspired saxophone solos, organ vamps, elastic synthesizer grooves, and even a little bit of acoustic guitar. Akin to a vast kaleidoscope of sound the album constantly shifts to explore fascinating takes of experimentation with long-established genres. Unable to be properly pigeonholed the songs come together to form a curious kind of narrative. Easily the heart and soul of the album stems from Brian Edblad’s strong and steady vocals. His lyrics have a playful, poetic quality to them.

Brain Edblad Ties Old To New On New Record

Starting the album off on a high note is the nimble groove of the title track “Flypaper for Freaks”. With a sound reminiscent of Depeche Mode’s early work (right down to the stately guitar work) the piece is a true stunner. A laid-back mellow groove takes hold on the funk of “We’ll See Elvis”. By far the highlight of the album is the intricate work of “The World’s Passed Us By”. Downright gorgeous, the song has a nostalgic tinge to it.



Delicate and fragile is the dreamy scope of “Lyin’ in the Rain”. Hyperactive in tone is the rush of “Push Came to Shove”. Closing the album off on a surreal note is a rather refreshing take on the classic “I Just Dropped In”.

With optimism and hope, on “Flypaper for Freaks” Brian Edblad balances the joys of a purely free approach alongside an emphasis on a poppy, catchy sound.

Learn and hear more of Brian Edblad at:

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