Knowledge To Get Known

3 Budget-Friendly Tips For Bands Touring

With a band touring at the basic expense level having an estimated cost of anywhere from $17,210 – $50,200 for just one month, it’s obvious that taking your band on the road can be an expensive endeavor. With transportation, accommodation, marketing, and production costs, it can often seem like going on tour is a never ending financial payout. However, with some smart money saving techniques, you can have a successful tour without such a hefty price tag.

Smart alternatives

One of the best ways to hit the road with your band on a budget is to consider alternatives to traditional touring methods – especially when it comes to your accommodation. For example, many musicians tend to book hotel rooms when on tour, which can easily run up over a hundred dollars each night. This can add up quickly, so using services like Airbnb instead can potentially be a cost efficient alternative, depending on when and where you’re staying – especially if you have more than a few people coming with you (like crew members or managers). In taking this approach, you’ll easily be able to save some money that can better be used elsewhere, such as for buying or renting a vehicle to ensure your gear is well protected as you travel.

Choosing the right vehicle

One of the main elements of any tour is the transportation. It’s how you and your band (not to mention your equipment) will get to each location, so it’s important to choose your vehicle wisely. While tour buses are an obvious choice for any band, renting or buying one can prove to be a seriously costly endeavor. For that reason, renting or buying a second hand vehicle can prove to be a more budget friendly option. While vans are an optimal choice due to the amount of open space, other options can also work. For example, adaptable vehicles like SUVs, such as the Hummer, can accommodate your band and their kit, and seats can be moved to allow increased storage space.

A different approach 

Going on tour is a great way to gain exposure in different locations, though if you’re looking to cut down on expenses like gas, then touring locally as opposed to nationally can be a great solution. Not only will you save money on fuel, but you’ll be able to obtain a local fanbase and branch out from there. Plus, touring locally can be especially beneficial for newer bands, as it’s a great way to gain experience and get a feel for what touring is actually like – without having to bite off more than you can chew.

Going on tour can be the experience of a lifetime for any band, though it does come at a price. Luckily, through smart, cost-efficient alternatives, choosing the right vehicle and considering different approaches to traditional touring, you’ll be able to have a successful tour without spending so much money.

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