
IBG Interview – 7 Questions With…. Alluri

Born and raised in Hyderabad, London based Alluri’s latest cut Evari Kosam (For Who’s Sake) is a flawless demonstration of how the music world is a truly universal sphere, which exists only in the cultural blend that shapes its very existence.

After digesting a diet of classical music as an early teen, an impressionable Alluri’s real music education began after he was gifted a guitar. Immersing himself an artist at a time, he learned the guitar through the versatile catalog of British indie of the 80’s. With Morrissey proving an overriding influence, it was his introduction to artists like The Doves on his relocation to the UK to study that really fuelled the singer/songwriter within.

We had a chance to chat with Alluri about his musical journey and latest release “Evari Kosam”.

Where did you get the name?

It is my surname.

How did the band form?

It is not a band really. I am starting as an artist and hoping to make a band. I met Gav (Bass) and Phil (Drums) via my ex-manager after I had finished recording my first album. We have been playing since November last year. We are still looking for a permanent keyboard player.

How would you describe your sound?

I wouldn’t. I recommend you listen to it.

What are your influences?

The Smiths, Joy Division, John Lennon, Nick Cave, Neil Young

What is your songwriting process?

Just sit down with the guitar and play it until I like the sound of what I am playing. I used to keep writing lyrics throughout the day. So I had a lyrics bank and go through it to match the sound. I don’t write songs anymore. I am on a break from them. Not intentionally.

What’s next for Alluri?

I will possibly record an album in Telugu, which used to be my first language. That and I hope to gig more next year.

What advice would you give to other bands on the rise?

Keep at it. Make sure you are having fun, if not it ain’t going to work out for you.


Keep up with more Alluri here.

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