
J.Ramada Shares Rainbow of Sound on ‘Turquoise’

Being in the right place at the right time will always help a person find the right opportunities. Making sure to live an interesting life full of being in different places can multiply these potential opportunities. Our recent discovery J.Ramada has made it a point to keep his eyes open for chances to stay involved in the wild music industry.

The California native started his musical journey as an FM Radio DJ and a handmade bookbinder in a small art gallery while putting together his first recorded music. A string of local gigs along the central coast soon led J.Ramada busking through Europe in between catching rides among major tours. After two years of crisscrossing the world, he came back to Los Angeles looking for steady work. The opportunity to work in special effects in Hollywood led to J.Ramada soon blowing up cars for rock stars and making it rain on Hollywood back-lots.

A chance encounter while working at Paramount Studios turned into attending a party at legendary rock star Prince’s house and actually performing with him and other well-known artists. This relit the fire to create more of his own music. The result is the recently released Turquoise EP.

The 5 track record is truly a worldwide experience recorded between Peru, Los Angeles, and Prague. It opens with the lead single “Imaginary Thunder” to show the eclectic inspiration that J.Ramada pours into his music. Everything from Americana to Rock to Flamenco over a heartfelt vocal style. For “The Last In Line” the smoothness remains as some Latin groove folk sounds paint the picture. 

There is something about the emotional songwriting of J.Ramada that draws the listener in. “Any Other Way” takes this even further with a simple plucked guitar leading the way and building to a full journey of feelings. We get another experience with the trap build up of “King Of Hearts.” The mellow vibe remains but the beats take the track in another direction.

The closer “Too Far To Go” is perhaps the most elegant track with a piano starting it off before it delves into a full smorgasbord of sounds that create a full ambient soundscape to take us into yet another world. Keep up with more music from J.Ramada HERE.

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