Music You Should Know

6 Music Playlists to Listen to Improve Productivity

You’ve most surely remember someone smart telling you caffeine was doing you no good. Supposedly large amounts of coffee can be harmful to your health. But, what to do when you need to get to work and you’re feeling extra lazy? There is, fortunately, a really easy alternative – music. Having the right playlist on can charge you up for your stressful day at work. As we say this, you may be wondering – what is the right playlist? No worries! We’re here to give you just what you need, so read on as we look at 6 music playlists that should get you going:



Morning Coffee

Since you already love the name, let’s explain the playlist to you. Available on Spotify, this is a perfect playlist to get that sleep off your eyes. With the likes of Mt. Wolf, Tycho and Gidge, you are sure to feel the boost. So, grab your cup of Morning Coffee on Spotify and plug in those earphones to let the music fill your brain. Thinking of setting it as an alarm, are you?



Walk In Like You Own The Place

Wow! These playlists do have amazing names. At least, this one does. Getting ready for an important meeting? Take no trouble. Tap the play button and walk in like you own the place. A great mix of great stars like Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa, this is exactly what you need to divert your mind from the stress of your upcoming meeting and pump up your confidence.



I Hate My Job

Well, we don’t! Do you? If it’s a yes, you’ll certainly need some this playlist to keep you going. It’s not always that the job we do turns out to be the best one for us, but yeah, as if you’ve got a choice. If you don’t like the time you spend at office, this playlist can get you moving. You can listen to some top artists such as The Smiths or Muse. Get the boost, and you can return to that project or assignment which you would rather throw away.



I Love My Job

If you’re one of us, you do like your job. Firstly, congrats. It does take a lot to find the perfect job, and if you have it, you’re definitely on cloud nine. But still, we’re certain you sometimes need some energy to do your work better or give your best at the upcoming meeting. There’s a playlist for that too. The “I Love My Job” playlist will give you that edge over your colleagues and improve your mood and in turn, help you get efficient.



Brain Food

Brain Food is the ultimate album when you need to sit down to do some creative stuff. All you must do is calm down, plug in and let your brain feast on this amazing playlist with songs from Pixl and Melosense. Sounds so cool! You won’t have to go through four and a half cups of coffee to bring out those ideas anymore. Want more brain food? Grab some for your day right here on Home Spa Select.



AM Commute

En route to work? Don’t just drool or sleep with your head against the seat or window. Spend your time wisely with the AM Commute playlist on Spotify. While it not only energizes you for your busy schedule ahead, you also feel happier, as Coldplay and Calvin Harris set out to blow your mind. You are sure to stay alert and on the go after a daily dose of AM Commute playing into your mind.


We’ve got you an entire playlist of playlists here that you are sure to love. They’re for every hour of the day. Even if you need a boost of energy at home, here are the best songs handpicked for you, which will surely erase that sleep off your drowsy eyes.


So, grab the nearest earphones and let your brain feel the magic of surreal music from the best artists out there. Go on, listen and have a great day!

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