
SAVAK Blends Classic and New Wave in Newest Album

We’ve all had it happen at least once: riding in the car and turning the radio to our favorite station only to have it immediately shut down by mom or dad (we were all kids once).

Sometimes though, a band will emerge that both parties can agree on and mutually jam to. So maybe dad doesn’t like that new EDM track, but you know you can count on a good ride when he pops in a Led Zeppelin CD.

SAVAK Nods to ‘80s Influence

Alt rock band SAVAK’s newest album, Best of Luck in Future Endeavors, is another band that can be added to that list. The distorted instrumentation is great for new wave rockers, but the ‘80s-influenced sounds are perfect for original party animals who can no longer see Guns N’ Roses, Billy Idol, or Talking Heads. By blending different waves of rock and roll, SAVAK has created an album that everyone can genuinely enjoy.

“Alive in Shadows” begins with a distorted surf rock guitar piece and then falls into a bouncy and repetitive ‘80s sound. The vocalist’s indie rock voice paired with the ‘80s-influenced instrumentation creates a sound that is perfect for high-energy summer days or restless nights. The drums transition from deep and full beats to crashing yet airy cymbals, making it easy to become lost in the blended yet distinct sound that comes with a SAVAK track.

“Burned By A Fever” has more of a modern indie rock feel, but still maintains a type of throwback feeling. Maybe it’s the vocalist’s ability to sound like Billy Idol when he hits low notes, or the occasional tinge of synthesizer, but all of the elements are definitely working well.

The most notable part of the song would be the bridge, which breaks from the repetitive vocals and rough rock instrumentals into a smooth and seamless guitar solo accompanied by the swelling sound of a synthesizer, and light snare and cymbal.

“Split Decision” ends the album with a lighter, heavily ‘80s influenced sound. There are major elements playing in this track, including minimalist guitar, light ticking cymbals, and echoing vocals. The instrumentation plays the role of the chorus and crescendos into harmonized echoes chanting “No clear vision / split decision” before abruptly ending with a crashing cymbal.

SAVAK is currently supporting Best of Luck In Future Endeavors with a summer tour.

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