
Nothing Gets Going Like Somme’s “Goin’ On”

Somme is a conduit for alternative pop, multi-instrumentalist and San Diego native, Jordan Cantor to further explore her passions in singing and songwriting.

Her musical career began after she taught herself guitar at age six. This then led her to pen songs only a few years later. Cantor moved to LA when she was 18 with a car full of instruments and became inspired to create her project, Somme.

Her debut self-titld EP was well received and released in 2018, blends electronic pop hooks with soul-induced vocals.

Cantor is currently unleashing her latest single, entitled, “Goin’ On,” where reverb-soaked electric guitar riffs spiral in atmospheric waves. Somme’s vocals are infectious and dynamic. A great electropop sound pervades. The electronic beats are sizzling. The synths are ambient and atmospheric. A bit of auto-tuned vocals makes waves toward the two-and-a-half-minute mark. The bass lines are rhythms heavy and pulsate with vigor.

This is an invigorating electropop anthem that melds organic instrumentation with the electric. On this single, electric guitar riffs sound off alongside electronic beats.

Brimming to the tee with moody electronics, “Goin’ On” is a haunting track filled with melancholy-tinged riffs. What surfaces is a thought-provoking, deep vibe.

Somme will be releasing brand-new material in the incoming year. Stay tuned to see what she has in store for you in the upcoming months!

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