When you’re a decade into a career, there’s generally a straightforward set of guidelines you like to follow, regardless of your job! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, as the saying goes — for rock bands that have managed to make it over the ten-year hump, this generally seems to be the case and […]
Tag: Greye
So Far So Good For Greye
Conformity and good rock music don’t combine very well, and it should come as no surprise to anyone who devotes their time to the latter that acts like Greye are rejecting the very notion of incorporating anything rooted in mindless conventionality into their music. They’ve got too much of a story to tell, too much […]
GREYE Puts In The Work To Get ‘Lucky’
Even when success has been found for a band there can not be a slow down in the hard work. It is a continued effort that keeps a band at the top of their game and at the top of fans’ hearts and minds. Our friends from GREYE take great pride in putting in all […]
Greye Is Back To Open The “Windows”
Many fans only see an artist as a lucky individual with some talent. Most will never realize the amount of hard work that goes into becoming a success in the music industry. The passion and drive must be there before a band will ever get well known. A great example of this hard work is […]
GREYE – Enter Progressive Americana
Music is an ever-evolving creature. There will always be your standard genres like Rock, Rap, and even Zydego. The musicians out there with real creativity will find a way to blend pieces of these different genres to make something new and original. A great recent example is the music of GREYE. The five-piece band based […]