
Victory Garden – Warm Electroacoustic Rock For Your Next Camp Out

If you haven’t noticed I have been really into music that keeps it simple lately.  There is not always a need to be groundbreaking with every song you write.  The motto of KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid, is often the best policy to create a hit song.  A band I was recently introduced to that knows this fact well is Victory Garden.

Victory Garden is an electro-acoustic band from Northwest Indiana formed back in 2005 by Michael Finney on guitar and vocals. Donnie Berg performs percussion, and background vocals to add to the mix.  The band has always kind of been a side project as the guys pursued other interests, including a metal band.  They decided to focus on Victory Gardens last year and have been putting out quality music ever since.

Their most recent EP is the 6 song sampler What’s Left Behind.  This record came together as the boys wanted to show off the new refined sound that they mastered playing live.  It was recorded at The Barn in Valparaiso, Indiana to have the ability to truly color the sonic palette without making a record that sounded too overproduced and cold.   The simple warmth is what makes this a good listen.  The title track ‘What’s Left Behind’ is a simple song with a great acoustic riff powered forward by a warm bongo/tom based drum line.  It is a song that welcomes the listener close and lets them feel like a part of the song.  The slow mellow opening to ‘Say So Long’ leads you to believe this will be a ballad until the drums and speedy guitar strumming punch you in the face and let you know that you are in for a ride.  The opus of the EP has to be the almost 6 minute long ‘As A Ghost’.  The vocals on this track really stand out with their gravelly, almost evil sounding, overdubbed effect.  It brings you in many different directions while still keeping with the simple theme of warm music meant for a campfire sing along.

They also just released their version of the Phil Collins classic ‘In The Air Tonight’.  It is quite an interesting take on the often covered song.  It is available for free download on their websites.

Go give Victory Garden a listen for yourself at:

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