
‘Where We Came From’ by Pablo Embon is made for the big screen.

Anytime the word fusion is used I get suspicious. Suspicious because I don’t know how those using the term will interpret its meaning. Full transparency, I looked up the definition of Jazz Fusion. Argentinian born, Israeli based Pablo Embon describes his music as Jazz Fusion. After looking up the definition, I would have to agree with his description. Elements from pop, contemporary and classical all dance together under a Jazz umbrella. His new album, Where We Came From, feels larger than life, cinematic.

Guitar’s opening notes catch our immediate attention on “Where We Come From”. A warm guitar serenade of sorts starts to brew. Where the song goes from there is a wonderful surprise. A synth coats the soundscape like honey poured over oats. We become wrapped by the warmth of the synth, yet another turn lays ahead. Now the song saunters with western cowboy flair. Piano keys dance to the saloon style melody. The proverbial cherry comes compliments of the searing guitar lead. Momma, I’m coming home.

In contrast, “Sunny Side Up” has a contemporary Jazz vibe. Horns texture the skies like ash from a distant fire. The drum performance is tight and crisp. While the guitar leads us in, it’s the piano that takes the reigns. As the two volley, happiness ensues. Those piano keys feel so good. They ease the heavy lifting of the lead guitar and in turn we adore them both even more. This single is warm and inviting, just like a bright sunny day and freshly squeezed lemonade.

Menacing, dark and emitting turmoil/tension is “Knock On The Door”. I mentioned cinematic earlier and that’s exactly what this track is. This song is a scene from a movie. Producer says “action!”, and the characters begin to survey their strange surroundings. As the keys play, we get a sense the cast further explores. Confident strings and horns, exude progress and positivity. Suspense, tension peaks and we hit the climax. Then poof, like a cloud of smoke, sounds dissipate. When the synths come in at the finale, glory and triumph rain down under the brass. A resolve is felt, and everyone lives happily ever after. That’s show business.  

Keep up with and follow Pablo Embon!!!

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