
Looking for Some Good Vibrations? Check out Coastgaard

Straight from the concrete jungle, Coastgaard brings you their sophomore album, Devil on the Balcony, which officially drops on February 26th. I’ll admit it, before hearing about Coastgaard, I had never heard of the genre “neo-surf rock”. I’m definitely open to all types of music, but this one didn’t sound familiar to me. Then I Googled it (thank you internet) and saw a lot about modern day Beach Boys and California sounds.

Now I’m intrigued. I like the Beach Boys (thanks, grandma), and I’m ready to hear an updated/modern take on a classic genre. I was introduced to a trio from Brooklyn that brings this newfound (at least to me) genre of music through our speakers. Listening to the first track “Ruminator” doesn’t sound like “Good Vibrations”, but it does bring on a feel-good and calming sensation. The combination of the piano and the drums is interesting and the vocals seem to blend perfectly with the instruments. Each aspect of the track works together to bring a great experience to your ears.

Coastgaard’s Psychedelia Familiar Yet Fresh

Skipping forward a few songs, you hear “A Well Adjusted Man”. I’m not sure how many of you have ever heard “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane, but if you have you know exactly what I mean when I say the intro to this track is very reminiscent of that insanely psychedelic tune from the 60’s. The track soon enough speeds up, and turns into something of its own. There is a perfect blend of vocals and instrument solos, which really gives you time to not only appreciate the lyrics, but also for Coastgaard to show off their  instrument abilities. I don’t know about you, but I am always impressed when a band works all together and there isn’t one aspect that outshines another.

I’ll have to say that I’m a sucker for acoustic music, and the final track on the album completely blows me away. “College Song” sounds completely different from the 1960’s vibe you’ll be used to hearing, so closing off the album with something like this is a shocker, but in the best way possible. Listening to it will remind you of Death Cab for Cutie, and on a rainy nights, I can definitely see myself falling asleep to this. For some reason, I have a very large obsession with songs I can fall asleep to, and I’m going to continue thinking that it is completely normal.

I’m not going to give the rest of the album away, you’ll have to listen to it yourself. Even though it doesn’t come out until Friday, you can stream the album now on Soundcloud and if you like it you can pre-order it on Amazon.

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