
Femme-Driven Resilient Teaches Us “How to Peach”

Over the summer, Philly-based band Resilient released their powerful and high-impact sophomore album, How to Peach. Following their DIY Imagining Things EP of 2016, this is their first full length record.

The band’s 2016 debut was well-received and set a high bar for what was to come. Imagining Things indicated that Resilient had much more to offer, and How to Peach pushed past these expectations.

With a deep and developed grunge sound and impressively strong vocals, this album proves that Resilient has truly found their sound.

Above everything else, Resilient is a band about empowerment. Self-described as femme-driven, their music is unapologetic and promotes a strong message. Quasi-title track “How to Preach” serves as a reminder of independence and self-confidence.

Lyrics like “If destiny’s inside my hands/Why ain’t it when I’m in a man’s?” question society’s representation gender roles and lack of equality. Coming from lead singer Erin Fox’s powerful voice, these words are strong and empowering.

Resilient is Not Just a Band

According to the band themselves, Resilient has become much more.

It’s been a place of truth, hidden strength, artistic euphoria, and a testament to the fact that music has ultimately propelled and empowered each member to overcome nearly anything among the spectrum of life’s challenges.”

All of their hardships and challenges have channelled into a complex sound and songs that are empowering for both the band and their audience.

Lead single “Slack” is the penultimate song on the album, preceded by several songs that are hard-driven and outspoken. In contrast, this song is slightly more understated but highlights the true skills of each member of the band.

The guitar lines are catchy and add a certain groove to the song, while the drums are a solid foundation and still keep everything moving. The bassline is subtle yet fits in perfectly, while the vocals span the whole range of being melodic to bursting with energy and passion in the chorus.

How to Peach shows that Resilient knows their strength and has a firm grasp on how to make the most of it. With a punk sound and lyrics of empowerment, these songs are in your face in the best way possible.

You can buy How to Peach on Bandcamp, where a percentage of the sales will go to the American Brain Tumor Association.

Also be sure to follow the band on social media for news on shows, music, and more.

Official Website




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