
IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… J Sariah

The draw of music is strong. Other pieces of life will try to draw our attention. If we have musical talent, it will always lead us back to music. Our recent find J Sariah is now pursuing her own Path in music. We caught up with the R&B songwriter to get behind the scenes. Enjoy the interview here:


First off, where did the J. Sariah moniker come from?

The J comes from my first name, Jasi, and Sariah is my middle name.


How would you describe your unique mix of sounds?

Since I am a writer first, I listen more to the beat and let it tell me what words to put down and the vibe of the song. It gives the listener an experience of uniquely tailored music.


Which artists have been your biggest influences?

I have always listened to a lot of different music, but Aaliyah and Rihanna have been big influences.


Your life was supposed to take a different path after college. What drew you to music?

I have always written music, it has always been a part of my life and will always be. I was good at it so why not go for it?


What do you hope listeners get out of a J Sariah song?

I hope they can connect with what I am saying and can vibe to the song. Most of my songs are based on personal stories and I am hoping it can be healing for those who need it. And I would love people to be able to just blast and have fun with my songs.



We hear your debut EP is coming out in April. Tell us about that.

Yes, my EP is called the Path. It has a collection of songs that details the progression of a past relationship and the ups and downs. The EP has a nice mix of fast and slow songs that will take the listener through the various emotions musically.


What advice would you have for other artists trying to make a name for themselves?

You need to have a nice balance of talent and drive, I think the drive really has to outweigh the talent at this point. Music takes time so you need to be patient above all. Follow your dreams, keep doing what you love and do not let negativity keep you from moving forward.


What is next for J Sariah?

After the release of my EP and Album, I am looking towards Award Shows, Radio Play, Tours and so much more!


Keep up with more music and coming tours of J Sariah on her WEBSITE

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