
Unborn Mind – Talented Songwriters Go Back To The Fun Of Rock and R&B

With all the technology in the current music scene sometimes it is fun to get back to basics and throw away all the fancy electronic tricks for some raw original music.  When two like minds with song writing skills can get together and share their love of these basics magic can happen.  So seems to be the case with the group Unborn Mind.

Unborn Mind

The band was formed in New York by accomplished songwriters Lisa Rosenberg and Ray Labella as an outlet to bring back the traditional Rock and R&B sound with the use of live instruments as opposed to electronics.  The two have been doing it on their own for a long time but fate intervened to pair them together and the result has been quite enjoyable.

Just recently Unborn Mind released their debut album Love & Fear.  The 10 song record is a real throwback that brings the best part of early rock and roll back to the fans.  The opener “Now That I Found You” is a mellow piano driven track that has a sultry R&B feel to it.  Lisa’s vocals will have the listener swooning and leaning in to hear more.  On “The Blind Man” the group plays a playful melody that bounces along putting a smile on everyone’s face.  The mood quickens up with “Caffeine Jones”, a high paced tune with elements of country music thrown in.  The title track “Love & Fear”closes out the record.  The lyrics are catchy and the chorus will have you singing along.  The beat will get your toes tapping too with the use of pounding piano showing some true talent.  Go get a listen to Unborn Mind for yourself at:


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