
Some Ways Musicians Can Include CBD Gummies In Their Daily Routine

The life of a musician can be both rewarding and challenging. The long hours of practice, intense performance schedules, and constant touring can leave even the most seasoned artists feeling physically and emotionally drained. As a result, many musicians are seeking natural remedies to help them cope with the stress of their profession. Among these, […]

Knowledge To Get Known

Harmony in Highs: Exploring THC’s Role in Boosting Musical Creativity

Imagine, if you will, a world where the melodies and rhythms that move us are intricately linked to the mystical properties of cannabis. This isn’t a new concept; from ancient India’s soul-stirring ragas to contemporary hip-hop’s rhythmic heartbeats, cannabis has been a silent partner in the dance of musical innovation. Musicians from diverse backgrounds often […]

Knowledge To Get Known

Find Your Musical Inspiration

If you had the chance to watch the “The Beatles: Get Back” documentary, you get to see the trials and tribulations of a band stuck together in a room trying to write an album. Most bands reading this will not have the unlimited budget to sit in a studio for 3 weeks noodling around until […]

Knowledge To Get Known

Inspiration dried out? 5 tips To reboot your creativity

You can’t just turn the internal tap on and suddenly become inspired. It’s got to come from somewhere. There are many reasons why inspiration can dry out, from feeling too much stress to getting too comfortable. When you’ve got that fire in your belly though, you feel like there’s nothing that can get in the way […]