
Bedroom Ceilings Have A Vibe To Relate With

There is a magical connection to music. It will take both the listener and the creator in the direction that is needed for the best results. The powerful muse will take hold. It seems like this has happened for our recent discovery, Bedroom Ceilings and fantastic music is the result. The Michigan based project was […]


Middle Child is His “Mother’s Son”

There are many reasons for both creating and listening to music. The power that it holds can be expressed in a wide array of ways. The artist that is able to harness this power has a duty to share it. Our recent discovery Middle Child seems to have found a way to do just that. […]


Bob Fleming and The Cambria Iron Co Share ‘Remnants’

Bob Fleming and the Cambria Iron Co bring us gritty American rock n roll from Charlotte, North Carolina. The group’s new album Remnants tackles the everyday struggles Americans have been waking up to. All the emotions, fear and anger in the face of endless uncertainty bog us down. As clouds of hopelessness and despair hang overhead, […]


IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… Run Downhill

With the world of entertainment becoming more blended, an artist should combine all of their talent in the arts. People expect visuals with music and fully immersive experiences now. Our recent find Run Downhill is giving them what they want and more. We caught up with the multi-talented songwriter and visual artist to see how […]


IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… Nautics

Staying together for the long haul is a difficult thing for any band to accomplish. There are some secrets that help make it work though. Our new friends Nautics have been making music together since they were teenagers and are still going strong. They just released their new single “Selfish” along with an entertaining music […]


Pollyanna Gives Us A Taste Of ‘Sugar Coat Deluxe’

Sugar Coat Deluxe is the newest album by Pollyanna, a project which expands upon an EP released last year. In this album Pollyanna puts together different genres like a boutique candy store mixing up crazy concoctions (bubble grunge for example). Their eclectic sound curates different influences to create their own style. Pollyanna masterfully puts together […]


My Autumn Amor Speaks Out With ‘Quiet Girl’

The early years of any artist will have a profound impact on their craft. The influences that are provided by both parents and society will lead to the development of your art. Life is a driver of art. Accept that and become the best unique you that you can. Our friends of My Autumn Amor […]


Some Indie Rock Selections to Work Out With

In something a bit different to what you’d usually expect to find on Indie Band Guru, we pair our love for indie music with keeping fit. Over the last 18 months, thousands of people worldwide have begun keeping fit by training at home or in the garden. For much of 2020 and the first half […]