
By Small Ruin is Back With ‘My Angel’

In the current state of the music scene, it is more important than ever to stay front and center in your fan’s minds. With so much entertainment content out there the attention span of the masses has been reduced dramatically. As an independent artist you have the ability, and the need, to release new music […]


Rocky Peter is on the ‘Fast Lane’ to Success

As an artist, we must find our calling to share our gift. All of our lives will be full of both good and bad experiences. We can either use these as excuses to give up on our dream or use them as motivation and inspiration to push forward to our goals. Rocky Peter has had […]


Find “Home” With Vincent Brennan

When you hear the word comfort you usually think of something warm and inviting, something that helps soothe your soul. Comfort is something that is certainly lacking during these times, but Irish singer-songwriter Vincent Brennan is here to bring comfort back with his debut single. May 14th saw the release of “Home,” a personal and […]


Street Corner Messiahs Take Us To ‘The Battle’

There will always be an audience for an artist that can tell a meaningful story through their music. This skill of songwriting is akin to an author who puts pen to paper but is able to add a melody to make the story even more entertaining. Our recent discovery Street Corner Messiahs are at the […]


By Small Ruin Leans Close So He Can ‘Feel Your Breath’

Life is a journey that we all experience. An artist is able to express that journey through music. A well-traveled artist has plenty of inspiration to pull from. This has created some of the most relatable songs. Our friend By Small Ruin has had more than his share of experiences and has returned to share […]


Brandon Saxon Looks Up At The ‘Star Star Child’

With the ability to record fully produced music in your bedroom with a computer nowadays there is much more freedom to record songs. This has enabled more real emotion to be shared in song. The nervousness to open up your soul to a random producer in a studio and feeling rushed to get it all […]