
Naomi Taylor Now Has A ‘Friend Like That’

When an artist accepts that music can be just what they need it to be it can open the floodgates of inspiration. Allowing your true thoughts and emotions to come through in your songwriting not only helps you, but also creates real connections with the listeners that can relate to your struggles and successes. Our […]


Fox Opens Up With ‘Elements’

Music means so much to so many of us as we develop. Sometimes so much that we decide to take our love of listening and switch into creating music. Our new discovery Fox decided to contribute to the medium that meant so much to him throughout his life with his first array into songwriting.  Fox […]


Moody Bank$ is ‘Feeling Colors’

When words fail, people have always turned to colors to try and describe how they feel. For example, feeling blue means you are down. Feeling Colors is Moody Bank$’s latest EP featuring nine tracks. From the album art to Feeling Colours, you can already tell the EP will burst with emotions.  Moody Bank$ serves us […]


Journos Shares their Voice on ‘In The Key Of WTF’

When a new musical spark is needed, there are few better answers than a collaboration. Each artist has specific and different talents to add. Combining these can often result in magic. The latest such team up we came across is the new project Journos. The charismatic and compelling duo is made up of award-winning journalist/lyricist […]

Knowledge To Get Known

3 Reasons You Are Having Trouble Writing Your Own Songs

It’s one thing to sing and perform a song someone else wrote. But it’s another achievement in itself to write a song all on your own and perform it musically, too. Being a songwriter is tough. If you never wrote a song before or you feel that you are not the best at writing in […]


Beware Wolves Opens The Doors To Their Anthology

For many songwriters, there is a huge amount of music swirling in our heads. These song ideas need a release. Too often we overthink and nit pick our ideas to oblivion. Songs become lost in the outskirts of our minds. Our recent find Beware Wolves has a better solution. Write and record the songs as […]


TAHLS Premieres ‘Life Is Weird’

For a true songwriter, music will mirror their life. In quite an uncertain time over the past few years, that mirror has shown some pictures that are not that pretty. We have all dealt with a lot. Our recent discovery TAHLS lets his music show the chaos that he has personally experienced.  To deal with […]


Daxton Calls Us Out From his ‘Electric Satellite’

There are certain people out there that are born to play music. This gift must be nurtured to achieve the greatness it deserves though. Our recent discovery of Daxton seems to be one of these chosen individuals. He has put in the time and work to master his craft. The results speak for themselves on […]