
David Anthony Zee Truly ‘Can’t Sit Still’

There will always be something to be said about sticking with a craft for years. When there is a passion for something, keep doing it. Your skills, talent, and experience will continue to grow. Combine that with the strength to do your own thing and not conform to what ‘the masses’ want and you will […]


Bob Russell Takes Us To ‘Bourbon Street’

There is never ending power in music. People that are willing to pour their time and talent into it will always find a way. Life may sometimes not let us get to our musical dreams until later, but if we want it music will wait for us. Our recent discovery Bob Russell may not be […]


Pete Robson tells us ‘Nobody Wins’ with his new album

2015 saw Pete Robson release his debut album, The Red Album. It featured a familiar style of blues with his own twist. It embodied what blues is all about with its grounded storytelling and mesmerising guitar style. Tracks such as “Working Man” highlighted his way with words, while “Leaving the City” showcased his musical talents […]


The Beautiful Mistakes prove that “Love’s Never Wasted”

As the years pass for a musician, and lover of music, the passion never dies. Even after a long break, when life frees up and time is available many creators will get back to what they were meant to do, make music! It has been a while but Jimmy Marino is back with his new […]


Dust Radio tell us about the ‘Problem and Remedy’ with their new album

2021 saw Dust Radio release their debut EP, Shotgun Shack. Paddy Wells (vocals/harmonica) and Tom Jackson (guitars/vocals) delivered five tracks described as ‘RAW AND ROOTSY BLUES’ (as it says on the EP’s artwork). It showcased their own style of stripped-back blues that may feel a little raw around the edges, but it made it feel […]


Mike Ross has his ‘Third Eye Open’ for his latest album

Mike Ross is an artist who continues to break free of genre limitations. If you listen to his albums in release order (starting with Spindrift), his music takes you on a journey with an ever-changing musical landscape. These include blues, American, blues rock, country and some dashing of other sounds thrown in for good measure. […]


IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… The Americans

Any good band that stays together will continue to grow and refine their sound. The key will always be to stay true to who you really are. Our recent discovery The Americans has shown both growth and personal truth in their music. We caught up with the Americana-based rockers for a little more insight into […]


Hard Stairs deliver ‘Bigger Blues’ and much more with their new album

It’s been all about the blues since Hard Stairs released their debut album Libertus Caught in 2016. Together Hortson Longsail (guitar/vocals) and Martin J (drums/percussion/vocals) have been creating their brand of garage blues. It may feel rough around the edges, but you can hear they have a genuine passion for what they do. It is […]