Review Video

Melt Like Clouds – Mind Warping Sonic And Visual Experience

In today’s society just having great music is hardly enough anymore.  People want to be entertained by a full experience.  This encompasses audio, visual, and even psychological.  When an artist can enter all these spaces in a potential fan’s attention there will be a connection.  An artist that really seems to get this is our latest find Melt Like Clouds.

This project is the warped brainchild of Ryan Cantz.  The New Yorker experiments with all types of noise, sounds, percussion, guitars, bass, pianos and synths.  This combination of music allows Melt Like Clouds to create a full experience that allows the listener to enter a dreamlike world far away from their current situation.  

Although it would be easy to hide behind the music in a studio somewhere, Melt Like Clouds excels in the live arena.  He has performed throughout New York City at a variety of venues, bars and galleries that are open to his exotic entertainment.  The crowd gets to absorb a full audio and visual production while having their minds somewhat warped.

After having released three full-length albums over the last four years, Melt Like Clouds has turned to singles and recently sent us “Shadows” to listen to.  The dark and experimental song is meant to make the listener enter another world with only their thoughts to save them.  Seemingly random noises are blended perfectly together to create a full sonic landscape like nothing you have heard before.

Enjoy A Mind-Warping By Melt Like Clouds Here:


The accompanying music video takes the experience even further with visuals that will creep you out while drawing you deeper and deeper into the dark world of Melt Like Clouds.  Do yourself a favor and take a minute of silence to recover after watching the video to get your mind back to a place of peace.

For more dark vibes turn to:

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