
Paul Nourigat Preaches Some ‘Complex Truths’

When fate provides a journey and the muse hits, you must be ready. It will not always be when you expect it. Those of us with music in our hearts will be eventually led to the road of releasing that music to the world. The journey of Paul Nourigat has been a long one but […]


A young love lost “Little Girl Blue” by Achilles Tenderloin

Once upon a time, writing a full-length album was requisite for any serious recording artist. Times have changed though. In this world of streaming, most artists have resorted to releasing a trickle of spaced-out singles leading to an EP / LP. A strategy that feels like leaving proverbial breadcrumbs to lure listeners to the pot. […]


Barkhouse Writes it All in ‘Paper & Ink’

As the world emerges from a rather difficult past few years, there are some benefits. A great amount of new original music is now hitting our ears. Songs that were written and perfected over a time of isolation, and yet freedom. Our new friends from Barkhouse spent their pandemic time putting together a bunch of […]


Ruby Rae gets personal and honest with her new album ‘True Crime’

When talking about the music of Ruby Rae, it’s impossible not to talk about her storytelling quality. Each song is a short tale with an authentic feel, both lyrically and musically. It’s the foundation ever present throughout her albums/EPS The Outskirts, Night of the Psychopomp, Voodoo Queen and The Uncanny. Each release offers something new […]


Clay Fulton & The Lost Forty Add Up The ‘Positive Numbers’

The goal of any musician should be to draw out emotion from listeners of their music. This often gets lost in the shock value of mainstream pop music today. Our friends from Clay Fulton & The Lost Forty are focused on drawing out their fans’ feelings in each track. The band recently released their sophomore […]


Mike Ross lets his music do the talkin’ for his new album ‘Peach Jam’

Mike Ross is a man of many talents, especially how he makes his guitar sing. It’s a trait that has shone throughout all of his albums, especially Jenny’s Place and The Clovis Limit Tennessee Transitions. For his new offering Peach Jam, Ross has taken inspiration from the music of the Allman Brothers Band. He has […]


White Lady by Working Class Hussys is Summer Fun!

New Jersey’s very own Working Class Hussys have officially arrived. When I think of the Garden State, blue collar workers and Bruce Springsteen are what come to mind. Ian Patrick Gentles, the man behind the band exudes blue collar grit. Once upon a time Mr Gentles was cruising our nation’s highways as an open road […]


Christian Parker Lets Us In on His ‘Best Kept Secrets’

Good music will always find a way. There are often obstacles that put songs on the shelf. But the passion and the muse will find a way to get those songs back into the forefront exactly when they need to be there. Our friend Christian Parker has been writing songs for a long time but […]