
Get Transported Somewhere Tropical With ‘The Queen’s Carnival’

Project Grand Slam is definitely something that I have never experienced before. Had I not known that it is this artists name, I may have thought that we were talking about something completely different. After looking at the artist bio, however, it seems to me that this is a “supergroup” of sorts. Having just put […]


Bialuma Opens Up New Sounds For Your Ears

There are those out there that say every good melody and sound combination has already been recorded and there is nothing new left to write.  These are narrow-minded individuals that have been brainwashed by the mainstream radio that we are being force-fed every day.  Luckily today more options have opened up to find all sorts […]


Secoya Reaches to New Depths with Ambient Masterpiece The World is Yours

British composer George Robinson, known as Secoya, combats the misconception that instrumental music is lacking with The Worlds is Yours, a sophomore debut that is able to invoke a wide range of emotions, captivating anyone that takes a listen. Robinson proves that you do not need lyrics to capture the heart — the music speaks for […]


Naro Kim Enchants with New Album ‘The Captain’

Sometimes, we hear a song that just seems to touch a deep part of our hearts and really make us think. These tracks will linger in your thoughts for an unknown amount of time, and make you look at the world a bit differently. Brooklyn based composer Naro Kim recently released an album that was inspired by […]


Rousing Flow creates instrumental greatness with “Play Music”

Rousing Flow is maybe one of the most interesting artist names that I have heard thus far, mostly because of the authenticity of the name. I mean, what a way to describe your sound through putting it right there in your name (great publicity move). Last year, Rousing Flow put out their most recent album, Play […]

Review Video

Ellis Hadlock – Instrumental Emotions

Music is meant to create emotions within the person who is listening to it.  When a song is well written it does not need lyrics to lead the listener but instead can create these necessary feelings with just the use of instrumentals.  Ellis Hadlock has been doing this for quite some time. The native of […]


Summer Effect Shapes Progressive Instrumental Music

When vocalization became a more common part of mainstream music, instrumentation at times took a backburner. Although vocals are an important artistic component to music, instrumentals can often be the real heart of a piece. With Indonesian band Summer Effect, it’s the sole element. Their post-rock album, Afterlife, takes instrumentalism to an entirely new level of expression […]


Fall in love with “Wondering” by In Lights

Let me just say that I love when a rock band implements somewhat “unusual” instruments within their groups/songs. There’s a certain uniqueness to it that really makes the listening experience different from anything else you’ll hear on the radio. With that being said, In Lights is a five-piece band from San Jose, California that features […]