
Gordon Thomas Ward leads the stories ‘Walking On The Wire’

When art is your life you must be willing to throw your full focus into it. This does not mean you need to be specific. Art is a many faceted diamond. Play music, paint, write. As long as you are sharing from your artistic soul, you are fulfilling your purpose. Our friend Gordon Thomas Ward […]


Lucas Jack Proves ‘Bittersweet Is Better’

We are often taught that making music should be a side hustle while you build a career in a “real” job. Treating music as your backup will hinder your speed to success. Or even put it aside as you navigate the world. Our new friend Lucas Jack seemed to be on the path to a […]


Renee Ruth aims for the stars with her new self-titled EP.

Catching the music bug is a peculiar thing. However, this “bug” changes directions. Whatever drives us to go through the music business meat grinder may change over time. Most want to be famous and bask in adulation. Chasing fame and the fatigue of constant self-promo may cause artists to lose track of why they began. Taking a […]


Golden Dimes Let Us Inside ‘JJ’s House’

Musicians all share a certain specific DNA. It lives and breathes inside of us throughout our lives, even when the main focus can not be on creating our own music. But musical fate has a way of connecting just the right people to eventually get that music out of us. A perfect example of this […]


Dan Ashley Shows Us “What Really Matters” With Latest Single

2019 has been an interesting year for adult contemporary artists on both sides of the dial, and among the more interesting players I’ve discovered hanging around the indie ranks is none other than Dan Ashley, whose single “What Really Matters” has been raising some eyebrows among many scene stalwarts lately. Mellow to the bone and […]


David Anderson releases Lake Placid Blue

In a smoky spoken word drawl, David Anderson sparks up “Charline Arthur,” the opening track of his brand new record Lake Placid Blue, and simultaneously opens the floodgates separating us from a venerable ocean of folk music might. On the back of a rollicking acoustic groove, he marches his lyrical attack to familiar yet archaic beat […]


Linda Marie Fischer Debuts Album, “Arc of Love”

Love is an interesting thing. In a sense, love can be likened to alcohol on a wound—it can sting painfully but is ultimately healing. Leo Buscaglia, who I am currently reading, wrote a series of lectures on it. I, as a graduate student/nerd, wrote a research paper about it. Whether they realize it or not, […]


The Willing Continue To Show ‘eMotion’

There are many powers in music. One that is often obvious is the bond it creates. When a group of musicians gets together to make music time and space can seem to stand still as musical magic takes over. When everything lines up correctly these musicians get closer and closer as they feed off each […]