
Hey Radio Welcomes Everyone To The ‘Punk Rock Show’

Certain genres of music will always create a sense of community around them. Punk rock has always been at the head of this. Whether it be the original outlaws joining together to go against the grain or the party punk of the late 90s, the communities are undeniable. Our recent discovery Hey Radio is aiming […]


The Rocketz are ‘Lovesick & Heartbroke’

The lack of live shows over the past couple years definitely put a damper on the bands that thrive in that setting. Fortunately Rock ‘n Roll will never die and is now back with a vengeance. Leading that charge in the live rock scene is our friends from The Rocketz. The Los Angeles, California trio […]

Review Video

Dusty Cubby is ‘Bhammered’

Being a band hoping to stick around for a while means being willing to evolve. As skills improve and trends change you must be willing to experiment and grow as a band. Fans do not want the same song over and over again no matter how good it is. Our recent discovery Dusty Cubby is […]


Celebrate Loud Rock n Roll With Black Masses

Musical styles and genres will always come and go. One that will always last forever and have a huge following is straight up loud Rock ‘n Roll. The power and energy will always find its way to new listeners ready for the ride. Our new discovery Black Masses is here to continue that tradition with […]


Punk Rockers Come Together To Fight The Cost of Narcan on ‘Ramones-Esque’

Music has always had a mission. The power and emotions that a good song can bring up are undeniable. This also leads to awareness for issues that may go unseen by the general public but can be introduced through them through music. Punk music has been at the forefront of this since its early beginnings. […]


Richie Ramone reads “The Unauthorized Biography – RAMONES” Children’s Book Live

All the young punks must descend on Village Works on 90 E 3rd Street in the East Village Saturday Feb. 5 at 1pm to meet punk rock legend Richie Ramone. Richie Ramone drummed in the infamous leather jacket-clad quartet, RAMONES, from 1983 to 1987. His sticks pounded out the albums albums “Too Tough to Die,” […]


Bluedive Start The Year With ‘Rejection’

“Bluedive is a band with a focus on creating music that blurs the lines between a wide variety of influences. From the edge of pop-punk, down to the immediacy and sonic breadth of alternative rock, anything goes” – Band Camp Diaries Bluedive is bringing their bittersweet brand of emo-punk-rock into 2022 with their new song […]


Matt Alter lead The “Race To The Finish”

The music you write will usually be an expansion of what is happening in your life at the time. Sharing these personal experiences allows the songs to be more relatable to the listener as well. Your music will change from album to album as your life changes. Our recent discovery Matt Alter is a great […]