
Katie Belle Has ‘Symptoms’ of Greatness

Katie Belle’s ‘Symptoms’ is the classic pop music package – it’s got that hooky chorus, a pulsating beat, and is topped off with slick production.  As I hit play, her crystal-clear vocals hit me, perfectly complementing the razor-sharp accompaniment. It’s like her voice is whispering sweet nothings directly into your ears, leaving you with a […]


Clay Joule Allows Us To All Be “CRAZY”

The first time I heard “Crazy,” the new single by Clay Joule & Elisa Mammoliti, I couldn’t help but be reminded of a famous quote from Jimmy Hendrix: “You have to go on and be CRAZY.  Craziness is like heaven”                                 […]


Rob Alexander Says “Get Over Yourself” its A Party

As the saying goes “birds of a feather flock together”. When doing my due diligence and learning about Rob Alexander, I went down several internet rabbit holes. I read past reviews, checked out his social media and began to put the pieces together. Still, I felt I needed a bit more and turned to his […]


Alvin Harrison has Something To Say With ‘Baby Baby’

When there is passion behind a songwriter the music will shine through, no matter the genre. Sometimes an artist will develop and change his style mid career. You must do what feels right for yourself…. and the music. Alvin Harrison is an artist that let the music speak to him and his new sound has […]


E-EYE’S Lifts Us Up With ‘Pink Sand & Purple Oceans’

Music does not always come to you as fast as you want it to. It will try you and test your dedication to the craft. But great things are worth the wait and effort, right? Our new discovery E-EYE’S has been in the music scene for a while through some ups and downs. After two […]


Matthew Smith Gives It All On ‘Back To Me’

There are few better ways to dive into your soul than songwriting. This ability to open up your heart and pour it into music is a true gift. And also a real therapy session. Some of the greatest songs ever written come from a place of pain and heartache. Our recent discovery of Matthew Smith […]

Review Video

Kelsie Kimberlin Drops New Single/Video

The beat is alive with an intensity that is intimidating but not deterring. The spotlight quickly turns to Kelsie Kimberlin, who steps up to the microphone with a tremendous amount of confidence as she starts to sing the first lines of her new song “Fruit Basket.” Each word slips away from her lips and hits […]


Renee Ruth aims for the stars with her new self-titled EP.

Catching the music bug is a peculiar thing. However, this “bug” changes directions. Whatever drives us to go through the music business meat grinder may change over time. Most want to be famous and bask in adulation. Chasing fame and the fatigue of constant self-promo may cause artists to lose track of why they began. Taking a […]