Blind Difference Drops “Alive (Remix)”

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The music video for Blind Difference’s “Alive (Remix)” might not have been meant to capture the whole of the narrative but instead just the framing of what the lyrics are suggesting, but it does as much just the same. With an excess of props and visual cues that lead us closer and closer to the zany soul of this performer’s profile, “Alive (Remix)” feels a bit more like the star single rather than the reworked B-side it’s fashioned as, but for a player with the kind of talent Blind Difference has, I suppose this shouldn’t come as such a big surprise.

Every part within this mix feels like a mini climax, which isn’t to say that the chorus in the song lacks the kind of punch I’m used to in the fever pitch of a pop single. If anything, Blind Difference was trying to create a lusty sensation that lasts from beginning to end in this performance, which has been something I’ve been craving out of a track in this genre for the better part of the last year. The sheltered minimalism of contemporary releases is completely absent from “Alive (Remix),” and it’s going to make a lot of discerning audiences’ ears perk up.

One of the most intriguing elements of this song isn’t even its cosmetic scheme or the attitude its performer is bringing with her to the table, but instead her humble tone when she’s got the microphone in her hands. This isn’t an artist who wants all of the spotlight trained on her exclusively, but instead a singer and songwriter who wants to convey a story across a litany of beats, harmonies, and stirring compositional segues, which has not been the case for the vast majority of pop artists I’ve had the chance to sit down with in the last few months.

I really doubt I’m going to be the only critic who says this after listening to “Alive (Remix),” but I’m very eager to hear how Blind Difference is going to keep growing into her sound, especially with all of the progress she’s showing off in this performance. She’s got a moxie that isn’t going away but only getting stronger with time, and in this reimagining of her song “Alive,” we’re getting a genuine feel for how much depth she can have when the studio is centered on her abilities and what her ambitions have in store for the audience.

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