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So, if you didn’t know already, Indie Band Guru has been around for a while helping market independent bands, both online and through diverse guerilla marketing strategies designed to capture the attention of fans in different ways. We had been very, very selective in the bands that we have worked with limiting it to 1 or maybe 2 bands at a time so we could remain focused and do the best job for our clients. We now are thinking of expanding since we have more members of the team, and more experience.

I was looking around at some of our competition. Some great companies, some decent, but a lot of jokes out there trying to make a buck of of struggling indie artists. I came across this video that I thought was hysterical. Look at this guy! The outfit, the gold cross! And does he look high as a kite or is it me.  He moves his arms around so much that I am getting dizzy.  He has some good ideas but has to work on some things.

Check it out. 


If you are a serious band and interested in getting the word out there about yourself, get in touch and lets see if we can help out. (Please don’t go with this guy!)

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