IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… Blakk Mantra

Blakk Mantra
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First off, tell us the story of the name Blakk Mantra?

Once upon a time, in a dimension much smaller than our own, there was a sound. And with that sound came a name. The end. haha

How would you describe your sound?

It’s a bass driven, groove oriented alternative rock.

Which artists have had the biggest influence on you?

There have been some upcoming bands that really tickled our fancy like Highly Suspect, Royal Blood, and Bones. We both share a love of stoner rock which drove the start of this sound.

We hear you just released a new EP Where There’s Smoke, There’s Dope. Tell us about putting that together.

It was a pleasure working with Joel Hamilton. He runs his studio out in Brooklyn, NY. Being a two piece, it makes the process for recoding a bit different. It was like leap frog with instruments.

How does a song come together for the band? What is the songwriting process?

It usually comes from Satan…. But actually we bounce ideas and riffs back and forth until a song emerges.

What do you hope the listener will take away from Blakk Mantra music?

We want people to be reminded life isn’t all bad all the time. We want to give people a chance to feel good 

Share some advice for other artists creating music in their own lane?

Don’t stay there.

What does the future hold for Blakk Mantra?

We have been working with a booking company discussing tours in various places in the world this year, so keep an eye out for that.

Keep up with more from Blakk Mantra on FACEBOOK

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