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One of our favorite and most bountiful songwriters has returned to our ears with yet another full length album.  We are somewhat amazed at the way J.P. Kallio is able to churn out quality song after quality song.

The current Dubiner, and former Finland native has music seemingly oozing out of his pours.  In addition to writing for his punk band Boneyard Bastards, and his Irish Modern Folk band Sliotar, J.P. finds time to write songs for his blossoming solo career.

JP Kallio

The latest offering Tell My Darling was released earlier this month on September 9th.  The 11 song album just keeps showing the talent of this hard working man.  His style of writing about his personal experiences and the life of the everyday man appeals to everyone who makes the time to take a listen.  The opener “Sunny Summer’s Day” leads with a speedy guitar picking effort accompanied by a relaxing wind instrument creating a sort of mad irony to the track.  The album can go in any direction that Kallio chooses.  The title track “Tell My Darling” is a mellow and emotional song that shows the influence of Irish Folk music that he is well known for.  You can feel that he is willing to pour his soul into his music on my favorite track of the album “Daddy’s Girl” as well as “Pain” which tells the story of errors that he has made and his attempts at redemption.  By the time the listener gets to the almost 6 minute album closer “Soul” you feel as if you are one with the singer and his songs.  This is a beautiful song that is minimalistic enough to allow a truly intent listening.  Another winner from J.P. Kallio.  Keep tabs on this and more new music that is sure to be here before long at: http://www.jpkalliomusic.com/  

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