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 It is really late at night and I’m finally going to have a good listen to christian alternative rock The August Exchange. My first thought is:  Whoever broke August Exchange’s heart, I thank them.  The lyrics that have been produced due to this are great and easy to relate to.  They clearly stand out in the track ‘Through Open Hands’ from their latest album Tethered Heights where the band pours out all of their feelings.  This song starts with just guitar and the voice comes in and really highlight the lyrics that are giving this song a nostalgic feeling. “You and I swore we would be friends, But I can tell from here by the state you’re in that, These memories stand already, Twice condemned”- the lyrics are simple but honest and it’s something every person, at one point or another, has felt.

Knowing their background of how singer Bryan Staudt and guitarist John Graybeal started in the Campus Crusade For Christ worship team, helped me to understand the song ‘See This Through’. I love how they found themselves at the root of their success without overpowering the religious aspect. With the lyrics that August Exchange write, it shows they can give you a strong message in a subtle way. Even if you’re not a religious person, I found myself relating to the song especially the first verse that speaks of losing yourself and asking for help.

One of the best protest songs that I’ve heard in a while is ‘The Devil Made You Do It’.  It’s not political but it’s about life and admitting to your mistakes and it’s more of the self realization that only you have.  This is another side of them that I appreciate since it’s hard to find songs that make you truly think and reflect on yourself.  And if you don’t understand their perspective August Exchange let’s you know “This song is less for you, and more for me.”

Bottom Line: The August Exchange is great band to enjoy musically as you reflect on the lyrics of their songs.  Both are well worth listening to.  Go check them out for yourself at:


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