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Music is often used to create emotion.  It does not always need a hook and pop chorus to grab your attention.  But when music is able to affect your mood and mind it becomes a powerful medium.  One who has mastered the art of emotive music is our recent find ded.pixel.


The Manchester, UK based project is a mashup of IDM, Post Rock, and Ambient sounds to create an original genre that is somewhat dark and brooding.  Rhys H. Pixel is the brain behind the imaginative music that sets the listener right in the center of his cinematic landscape with seemingly no escape.

In January ded.pixel released his debut EP Form.Follows.Function.  The 5 track record takes the listener on a journey deep into his mind.  The opening track “Beyond The Pale” is an 8 minute opus that sets a dark and eerie tone for the album.  “Are We Still Here” is led by an aggressive synth drum beat that does not play into any set standard but instead keeps you guessing as the atmospheric and piano sounds make the song quite pretty.  The standout track to me is “Malignant”.  It is a sped up track that seems to come at you from all angles as it attacks your senses.  The record is more of an experience than a collection of songs.  If you are ready for it go get a listen at: http://trashdigital.co.uk/album/form-follows-function-at0014

Keep tabs on ded pixel at https://www.facebook.com/thisisdedpxl


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