Matthew Neves tells a powerful story with “Cheers to Nothing”

Matthew Neves
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I’m going to start this off by saying that music playing backwards has always seemed to give me the chills. Needless to say, it kinda scares me. That’s why as soon as “Cheers to Nothing” by Massachusetts born artist Matthew Neves started playing, I was a bit unnerved. (I’m a big chicken, not afraid to admit it.)

However, once I started listening further into the track, my fears completely subsided. It isn’t just the fact that Matthew has been in the game for quite some time, having developed an interest for music at a very early age. It also isn’t the fact that I read his bio, which describes his first venture into creating a band called DemoticA, a rock/metal band that produced two full length original albums before he went on his own. The most interesting thing about this track is that there’s such an interesting contradiction behind the music that seems to flow quite nicely.

Coming along with a very movie-like music video, “Cheers to Nothing” starts off with that backwards music that gives me the creeps, but soon gains a very Latin beat that focuses heavily on the guitar aspect early on. The vocals kick in soon after, and to be quite honest I got a very Lifehouse vibe from them. There’s that raspiness and continuity that makes for a good, comfortable listening experience.

Matthew Neves Exhilarates with “Cheers to Nothing”

The music video features two females in completely different scenarios, and the one that caught my attention the most was the college girl doing drugs. By the end of the video, I was left wondering if (spoiler alert) she ended up living or overdosing. I need answers. I must admit that having such an interesting music video set along with this song added to the suspense in a way that really just drew me in.

The song overall is quite pleasant, and the vocals have that soothing yet sultry sound to them that make for a really good listening experience.

Go on over to YouTube to check out this intense song/video combo today.

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