I was confused as to why Alias Wayne’s online presence is also under Ranzel X Kendrick. The answer was right in front of me. Ranzel X Kendrick is also known as Alias Wayne. Recording under an alias allows an artist to venture into new territory. The same applies here. He’s been making music for quite some time. Releasing material under Alias Wayne began in 2019. Today Indie Band Guru features his new single, ‘Ms. Mystery‘.
Upon my first listen, the track seemed pretty straight forward. I was wrong, ‘Ms. Mystery’ is loaded. A clean rhythm guitar underpins the groove. That groove borrows from country and blues elements with a dash of Americana. Subtle variations to the rhythmic guitar provide the perfect pockets for Mr. Wayne to expand his vocal melodies.
Alias Wayne’s vocal delivery takes me back to the 1960’s. There’s a tempered softness to his approach until the 2:41 mark. From there everything opens up and intensity climbs. As expected, the chorus shines as that aforementioned softness gently pours into our ears. The chorus line “Ms… mystery…” soothes like a lava lamp. I could play that chorus line on loop for eternity.
The veteran touch to his music is showcased by the songwriting and execution. There’s plenty to love about the construction of this song. I love the drums backing up how the rhythm guitar is played. A guitar technique I associate with the 1950’s. Sweet vocal melodies singing a powerful message is why his vocal style reminds me of the 1960’s. How the backup vocalist is utilized is another highlight. Much like the electric guitar that arrives towards the back end, her vocals impact is increased as the track progresses. Alias Wayne delivers gold with his new single. Take a listen, sit back and enjoy the ride.