Clayton Morgan Has A “Taste For Love”

Clayton Morgan
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I just knew I was in for something really saucy when I heard the humming at the start of “Taste For Love” by Clayton Morgan. I was right.  At just over four minutes, “Taste For Love” fuses all that is right in the world of pop, soul, dance and R&B. Morgan’s zestful delivery and sensual lyrics leave little to desire.


According to his biography, Clayton Morgan is the son of The Four Sonics’ singer Eddie Daniels and while born in Dallas, Texas, was raised in Detroit. The Four Sonics, of course, released “Easier Said Than Done” and “It Takes Two” among many more hits. It makes sense then, for “Taste For Love” to have the Motown influences it does. Still, after a few listens, I found myself audio recalling artists like Jason Derulo and The Weeknd as comparisons. Morgan’s modern stamp and the tightly-produced track is radio ready.



Some nuances that caught my attention in “Taste For Love” were the breathing and that blue-velvet delivery. I loved this. At first, I was thinking to myself, well this is a bit overproduced, but I was astounded at the funk and soul coming through the speakers. And, his breathing technique was just icing on the cake. He genuinely sounds like he was in the recording booth and just having the time of his life. I loved that about this track and really felt a connection. I think fans of Prince will dig this song, but knowing how much of a musical genius he was and how he incorporated the guitar and musicality in general, this might be a stretch. I’m willing to take that leap.


This song makes you want to dance….and to be blunt, be naughty. It’s a bit sensory overload and Morgan’s gregarious nature blended with simple funk and such a highly danceable tune is ready for the bedroom. Get ready for love, ladies and gentlemen.


Sensual tension aside, “Taste For Love” is a fun track. The lyrics aren’t overbearing and really, this song is more about setting the mood and enjoying new relationships. I really felt like it celebrates life, too. When Clayton Morgan ends the song with his humming once again, he has a different tone. It’s as if he’s more accomplished and dare I say it, satisfied and full.


There you have it – a fun track ready for your listening enjoyment and playlist. “Taste For Love” is sultry and has those sweet and sour fixings. It’s just what the summer ordered. High marks indeed. Clayton Morgan, you’re on my list and now that I have a taste for your music, I will be sure to keep ordering from the menu.


Find more Clayton Morgan HERE.


     -review by G.E. Williams  

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