Frankie Cosmos Prove Simplicity is Key with “Next Thing”

Frankie Cosmos
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Upon visiting the Facebook page of Frankie Cosmos, I was immediately greeted by a cover photo of one of the most adorable dogs I have ever seen. It was at that moment that I knew I was in for something good.

Frankie Cosmos, fronted by Greta Kline, is a four piece group that calls NYC their home. Their latest album Next Thing, released on April 1, features 15 tracks, much more than the typical full length album. Having participated in SXSW last month and starting a lengthy North American tour shortly after, it’s easy to say that they’ve got a busy schedule on their hands.

Frankie Cosmos — Indie-Surf-DIY-Grunge-Pop

The first track from their latest release, “Floated In,” may sound like something that you’d hear in the ’70s, but that’s only in the best way possible. There seems to be a very indie-surf vibe to the track, which brings a modern twist to a classic sound. The song overall is quite short, which seems to be a trend on the album. Then again, sometimes the best things in life are brief.

“If I Had A Dog” is the second song from the album and is most certainly the one that caught my attention the most. Because of the title, of course. I must admit, my foot started tapping immediately. The rhythmic drum beat is attention-grabbing and the vocals are soft yet powerful in nature. This is the type of song that you’d hear featured in a popular teen movie, due to the catchy sound and the easy going feeling you get from listening to it.

The longest track on Next Thing, “Too Dark” clockisin at 2 minutes and 43 seconds. There’s a slow tempo to the song at times, and the drumming really seems to make the song perfect. As the drums cease, the steady strumming of the guitar and angsty vocals bring it all together and make for a very entertaining listen.

Frankie Cosmos

“Do I belong, do I belong? No” repeats throughout the song, and reminds me of my awkward teenage years. I’m sure that particular line will resonate with anyone that may have felt like the black sheep of their high school, or maybe that’s just me. This one has to be my favorite overall, as each aspect of the track works so perfectly together.

“Outside With The Cuties” is an extremely catchy track that tells a story within the lyrics. It seems to me that it is about longing for a love interest, but awkward teen movie style. There’s a classic indie feel to this one, and is very enjoyable despite its simplicity.

In fact, the best thing about Next Thing, overall, is that it is extremely simple. There’s no need to make music complex in order for it to be enjoyable, and Frankie Cosmos seems to get that perfectly. If you want to make good music, all you need is the talent and passion, and Next Thing full of just that.

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