Hayley Lam Amazes on ‘Being Alive’

Hayley Lam
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There are so many different ways to perform and create music. Different instruments, genres, and styles make for an infinite number of sounds. At the basis of it all though, you must have the talent. Our recent discovery Hayley Lam has that talent and has put in the hard work to continue getting better.

Now Hayley Lam is taking the next step and preparing to release her debut EP of original music and she can use some help. Her unique sound is a blend of jazz, fusion, and contemporary improvisational music.



The first track we all get to hear is “Being Alive”. The instrumental song reflects on Hayley Lam’s life so far, coming out from a not so decent past to give herself a second chance to live. Her amazing talents are evident immediately. There is a progressive vibe in the song that keeps the listener’s attention throughout with its variety of elegant sounds crashing into each other to create something truly original and inspiring.

“Being Alive” begins with some layered synth sounds that build up the mood. The drum crash gives way to an attack of keyboard trills that rise and fall with the mood. The song has a way of creating emotions with only the use of instrumental sounds. The production is top notch as well allowing each note to have its own place in the mix while creating a full sonic landscape to wash over the listener.

Please consider helping make the dreams of Hayley Lam a reality by contribution to her GOFUNDME campaign.

You can hear more of her music here:




On Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/track/170ahNHlJ7PuWGnOXB1trq

Or YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=301j0MsrPKs&feature=youtu.be  

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