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We are not the only ones that are unhappy with the current state of the music industry and musicians being expected to write music without the return of earning a decent living.  Seems like we are not the only ones.  We would like to share an article by a friend of ours in the UK that has some solutions.  Enjoy it below:

-There are common preconceptions that suggest you’ll most likely never make any money from music, however nothing could be further from the truth – especially nowadays in our uber-connected society.

Whether on or offline, there are all sorts of manners in which to make money and make a living via music and we’re going to look at some of the traditional, modern and a hybrid of both.


Yes, once you’re qualified you can make plenty of money teaching children and adults alike music. Whether you teach online or offline, market via your local shop’s notice board or your own high tech website and social media, or whether you are a one man band or use an online company to get your work – there’s a lot of demand for guitar teachers.

teach guitar

In recent times the popularity of starter instruments such as the ukulele, older items such as the piano or less traditional methods of making music in the form of decks and the DJ means there’s a lot of demand for people with skills. Of course, the more demand, the more can be charged for the service and the more money you can make from music.


From weddings, to mini festivals, to pub gigs – there are so many ways for bands and live musicians to make money gigging. The live music scene is a very popular one and plenty of venues in most cities and towns in the UK will require musicians to play monthly, weekly or even more regularly for events or occasions. Bands and live musicians in such a case can earn a quite hefty sum of money from performing live if they seem suitable to the vendors. It’s a good way to make money from music, though one thing is necessary.

Online Promotion

Online music and the promotion that surrounds it is also a big player in not just getting gigs, but also as a line of work. The demand for musicians, competition to get gigs and to be offered recording deals means that there are plenty of people employed in this area of promotion.

Whether it’s the production of band’s websites, promotion of social media, or the ranking of YouTube videos, there are all sorts of manners in which people are making a good living from music and bands. Get some actionable tips to promote your music HERE.

Online music services such as Spotify and others have changed the way that music Royalties are paid and this has opened up significant opportunities in the area of online promotion.

For a lot of these people it’s simply a case of getting bands they love or know noticed and being paid for it. As you can imagine, such efforts are not only lucrative but also very enjoyable as these people are surrounded by their musician contemporaries and make a living from promoting their careers.

Music is not a dead end career and the preconception that it is one, is a harmful and untrue one. These are just some of the ways that musicians and people can make money in the music industry.

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