IBG Interview – 8 Questions With… The Robinsons

The Robinsons
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Being in a band has to be about the fun. Especially at the beginning, the music and a good time need to be the most important things. Make it fun and the fans will come. Our new friends from The Robinsons are here to show us a good time. Check out our recent interview with them:

First off, what is with the name The Robinsons and that interesting logo?

We tossed a few names around and had lists of generic words and crazy stuff goin on. Like something about frogs and other weird shit came out of that. We were also called Mrs. Robinson at one point but there is an 80’s girl band with that name. And now we are here! AS The Robinsons. Our logo came out of one of our cool friends at PITT named David. He drew it in his notes and sent me a pic and we ripped the fuck out of it. 

How would you describe your sound?

Cool fast punk jams with a melody. 

Which artists have had the biggest influence on the band?

Growing up we were and still are Huge NOFX, Green Day, And blink fiends. Some sweet bands that are getting us through are PUP, Jeff Rosenstock, and some Masked Intruder. 

We hear The Robinson’s debut record SHITS AND GIGGLES is coming out next month. Tell us how that album came to be?

We have been wanting to put this bad boy out for like 3 years! As the time passed we just kept writing new songs that just kept getting better. Now we booked a tour Austin, TX starting March 8th at Club Germ in Pennsauken NJ. With a tour booked and our very own studio finished, We said fuck it and got the best songs we have and are putting them out. Gotta do it at some point. 

Which song off the record depicts who the band truly is?

All the songs on this album are pretty personal experiences its pretty much our band bio.

We really like “Comes And Goes” Phil was having some stomach issues and wrote this awesome song that is super catchy, upbeat and fun, but also really tells a story with what he was going through at the time. You can tell it’s a personal song. But you can still drink and fuck to it also!

You guys seem to enjoy a good time. How do you bring your fans into that party?

Thats all we want out of this. A good time! That’s what is at our shows. We are just some kids like you who want to throw stuff and party. Come on stage dance around. Start a PIT. Sing with the band who cares. Let’s play some sweet rock jams and maybe break something.

Give us some advice for other bands trying to build up a name for themselves?

Dude can you give us some advice?


What does the rest of 2019 hold in store for The Robinsons?

Wellllllll If you must know! We are going on tour in March and July to promote this album with our good friends Broken Streetlights who hail from Orlando. We are gonna be playing shows all over the east coast from NY TO FL. Our good buddies The Damnsels from Tampa are coming up to Philly this summer and we are gonna do 4 or 5 shows with them. Maybe EVEN A COLLAB.

Keep up with more from The Robinsons HERE.

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