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Keeping up with the truly innovative artists that we feature is something that Indie Band Guru appreciates doing.  This independent music scene is filled with people trying to stand out so when we find one that does such as Omar Bowing we try to follow up.

For one thing, one of the lead instruments the band uses is the guitarvol.  It is a handmade hybrid of a guitar and a bowed instrument.  The band is known for their progressive alternative rock sound that sets itself apart from most of what is out there.  Omar Bowing’s last album 432 Hz set the table for a band that will stay fresh as they release more and more innovative music.

The band just released a new single with an impressive music video.  The song “Warrior” keeps this fresh trend going with an aggessive prog rock track that weaves its way into your brain, and may scatter it a little with all the sounds seemingly coming out of nowhere.  This is music to make an impression.  Watch the video here:

You can download the song from: https://soundcloud.com/omarbowing/warrior

Keep up with Omar Bowing at:



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