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All kinds of music gets sent to us here at Indie Band Guru.  Usually it comes with a nice full description of the band and what we are about to hear.  In fact, if there is no introduction to the band, I will often not even bother checking it out.  Luckily for this latest find the inbox was not too swamped on this particular day.  Maybe fate had a play this day because I was excited to hear With Winters.

The only info I could find out about the band is that they are a 4 piece from Leicester public houses and sweaty student halls.  Their sound is hard alternative rock with powerful attention grabbing vocals.  See just as much as I have with their video for “The Shaman” below:

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1 comment

  1. indieislands

    Wow – these dudes kick it – great stuff – like Metallica meets dunno what …