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It is a common story of an independent artist reaching a major record label deal then getting unceremoniously dropped when his newest, usually overproduced, album fails to reach platinum status.  More often than not, these artist disappear forever never to share their talents with the underground fans that built them to this brush with stardom.  It has taken a while but late 1990’s indie star Jamie Block has now come back to reintroduce himself to a new independent music industry.

Jamie Block

Jamie Block is a New York-based singer-songwriter known for ramshackle, critical-darling, genre-bending anti-folk music. In the 90s Block busked, skylarked and chain-smoked his way to indie stardom and then—rather than turn to a life of tears when Capitol Records dropped him—traitorously joined the one percent with a Wall Street career.  The story didn’t end there though.  Jamie then experienced his own personal fiscal cliff of midlife crisis and divorce causing a spiritual spiral, but eventually leading him back to music in an effort to reclaim his former self.

Jamie is now returning to his true passion and releasing his music back to the world beginning with the Indie Band Guru exclusive look at his latest music video ‘Show You Mine’ and also an IBG contest to giveaway 3 download cards of his full album Whitecaps On The Hudson.  Enjoy the video below:

To enter to win a download card directly from Jamie Block of his upcoming album Whitecaps On The Hudson simply comment below or Tag @IndieBandGuru on Twitter or FaceBook with a tweet saying  “Jamie Block Rocks”.  Three (3) winners will be selected from all entries received.  (A post on Facebook and Twitter will get you 2 entries)

Go find out more about Jamie and hear more music at: http://www.jamieblock.com/

Good Luck!!!

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