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We at Indie Band Guru get sent music videos to watch and promo all the time.  Some of these are costly well produced masterpieces and some are amateur video clips spliced together to have something to go along with some music.  It is extremely important to get a music video up on YouTube nowadays as the younger generation discovers much of their music there.

The truth is though that it all really boils down to the quality of the song.  Our latest submission may not have the most exotic and flashy music video but the song is fantastic and has been bouncing around my head all day.  Please watch the video for ‘Andromeda Queen’ by Indie/Prog band Countercult Movement from Ottawa below (even if it is only to hear the song):

Keep an eye on this up and coming band at:


You can download the song here: https://soundcloud.com/countercultmovement/andromeda-queen

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