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Some musicians are just meant to perform together. Even when the band members seems to go their separate ways, it ends up being only temporary as fate stops in to reunite them. This seems to be the case with our latest find across the ocean, Brothers Among Wera.

Brothers Among Wera

The group from Stockholm, Sweden began playing together back in 2009 but went their separate ways traveling different parts of the world. The experiences they had led to musical inspiration. In 2012 they met up again for a live session and the magic was there. They reunited and put a full seven-piece band together including percussion, brass, and string instruments. The result is a mix of folk, rock, and pop music sounds.

Next month Brothers Among Wera plan to release their debut EP which they wrote and produced themselves. We had a chance to listen to a few of the songs and like the way they are shaping up. On “Silence” there is a very smooth folk feel that is warm and soft with the addition of group vocals that reminded me of campfire sing alongs. The real talent of the band can be heard on “Land Of The Free”. The picking style of acoustic guitar is extremely impressive and blends perfectly with the strong vibrato voice of Wera. The band has also released a music video for the debut single off the record “Waltz”. This song has a very anthemic sound for a mellow song. Enjoy the video below:

Find more info on Brothers among Wera at: http://www.brothersamongwera.com

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