Darren Claxton Has The Future In Sight

Darren Claxton
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For the independent artists today there is no longer a need to fit into any one box. The freedom of not being “owned” by a major label allows you to make music that you feel is right. Genre lines have been getting foggier and foggier and jumping between them is no longer discouraged. Our recent discovery Darren Claxton knows this and creates music directly from his heart without any restrictions.

Based out of Derbyshire, England, the singer and songwriter defies being pigeonholed into one specific genre. Darren Claxton celebrates the fact that each song tells a story and in a style all of its own. From song to song you will hear folk, indie, singer-songwriter, or even alternative rock.

As a renaissance man and a seer of where the music industry is going, Darren Claxton is heavily involved in the future music space. He has been minting many of his songs as exclusive NFTs to grant his fans a truly collectible experience. You can find many of his works HERE.

One track by Darren Claxton that I truly like is his single “Oceans.” There is a mellow acoustic vibe to the track but there is a ton of feeling coming from the speakers. The melodic guitar builds to drive the song forward. The art of the story teller is very evident here. Claxton’s lyrics come from the heart to paint a picture of real emotion. 

Darren Claxton released his self-titled album in 2021 and promises to release a bunch of music, some new and some old, that he is now ready for the world to hear. Definitely an artist to keep an eye on. Choose your platform HERE.

Go hear some music for yourself:


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1 comment

  1. Marilyn Claxton

    Absolute Incredible.All that you do sing play work everything you deserve the best.Sure you’ve made it in life xx