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We all know in that in the music industry connections can create amazing opportunity.  It is often said, it is not what you know, but who you know.  It helps even more when your family is involved in the industry as well.  Do not misunderstand me, connections can open doors but an artist still needs the talent to make anything happen with their career.  Today’s artist seems to have both the connections and the talent.  Let us introduce you to Elle Gie.

Elle Gie (pronounced LG) was introduced to the music industry at a young age by her mother, who happens to be an entertainment lawyer.  This also helped Elle become a true fan of music, and the art of making it, from her early years.  She knew it would not be easy but she had a dream and has been determined ever since to achieve it.  It doesn’t hurt Elle’s chances that she is also an exotic beauty.  Her stunning, statuesque physique perfectly complements her exotic features with a fun loving personality that makes her easy to like.

She is now getting ready to release her debut full length record Innergie.  She introduces her unique style with some very interesting and danceable songs.  The song that jumps out right away is ‘Runway’.  From the first beat of the track the listener is almost forced to start moving their ass.  It would fit in well at any NYC or LA dance club.  Elle Gie shows her Houston, Texas roots with the hip hop track ‘Meniscus’.  This girl can rap too.  The ability to have that kind of diversity can only lead to great things.  As Elle Gie said to me “I just want to make the world dance!”  If the world is ready to listen, they better get ready to dance.

Go listen for yourself at:


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