Elodie Rêverie debuts single “Gold Rush”

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Written during a two week period following an injury in her music studio that left her unable to hear, “Gold Rush” is an exploration of searching for success in Los Angeles and a tribute to singer-songwriter Elodie Reverie‘s 70s music influences. Trained as a pianist, “Gold Rush” and her previous release “>”Reverie” are a departure for her into the realm of electro-pop, with hardly a trace of her more classical roots.

On “Gold Rush,” Elodie Reverie examines the important of living a passionate life and living beyond the superficial. “The gold was buried inside of us,” she repeats in the song’s refrain. The track also explores her own fight to succeed and differentiate herself in one of the most competitive environments that exists, the Los Angeles entertainment industry. “Los Angeles bewitches some of us/the ones who need a city big enough for our thoughts,” she sings.

Elodie Reverie comes from a distinguished but non-musical family, and is the descendent of Pan Am founder Juan Trippe. Growing up in this privileged environment influenced Elodie to discover greater autonomy as an adult, pursuing songwriting and documentary filmmaking in her college years, and spending six months in the desert near her California home. “The desert is the place where I learned how to make fire with natural materials. It was the most exhilarating thing I’d ever experienced,” she said in an interview. “[That feeling] is what I’d been chasing for a long time.”

Elodie Reverie is working on an upcoming EP with sound engineer Chase McElhaney. Listen to her music on Soundcloud.

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