Gary Dranow Is Proof To ‘Never Give Up’

Gary Dranow
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Life is a journey. Some of us are able to allow that journey to go in whatever direction it wants. Releasing ourselves to the whims of the times can create some great stories. And we all know that great stories make great songs. Our recent discovery Gary Dranow has led quite an interesting life and it has led to his approach to his music as well.

To follow the exploits of Gary Dranow takes an adventurous mind. The singer/songwriter has been a young equestrian turned motocross champion, a clothing line entrepreneur turned mortgage broker, a renowned ski instructor, and an academy founder. This open goal oriented focus has served him well both in life and music.

Gary Dranow allows freedom in his musical exploration as well. No restrictions. He has run the gamut from southern blues and rootsy restraints, to heavy metal onslaughts, and recently a more understated balladry. His sound is totally his own.

The latest record by Gary Drasnow is his Never Give Up EP. The 5 track album shows off the softer side of the talented songwriter. Leading off with the title track “Never Give Up” we get the roots rock feel that gives us the opportunity to focus on the meaningful lyrics.

Here some ‘Ripping’ from Gary Dranow:

Gary Dranow shares his guitar loving inspiration on “Jimi’s Song” as an ode to the late Jimi Hendrix. The steady beat once again allows a focus on the well-written lyrics of the songwriter. There is a harder rock feel to “Shimmering” but the passion and emotion to the craft remains. These are songs that you can dive into fully and let them sing deep into your soul.

The album closes with the fastest and hardest track “Ripping” and that is just what Gary Dranow does on his guitar here. If he was taking it easy with the early songs, he lets it all out here to show off the multi-talented artist that he is. You get a taste of all he has to offer, almost begging you to dive deeper into his catalog.

Go find some more Gary Dranow for yourself HERE.

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